Roman Matvienko

Photo I am a PhD student in Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I do a video-based ethnomethodological study of embodied interaction in team sports. My current research focuses on action projection in antagonistic encounters, action coordination in multi-party interaction, and the temporal alignment of multiple action trajectories.

I played amateur football and rugby union but have now retired to leisurely walking and non-competitive cycling. Outside of sport, my interests include science and crime fiction, free verse, and tactical video games.



The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PhD Student in Sociology (2020–present)

University of Basel
Visiting PhD Student (September–December 2023)

The University of Manchester (taught at the Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences)
MA in Sociology (2017–2018)

Ulyanovsk State University
Specialist degree in Political Science (2007–2012)

Conference presentations

IIEMCA Conference (Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2024)
“Reading” the game: temporal deployment of action in playing association football

6th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (Brisbane, Australia, June 2023)
Passing the ball: Action projection in antagonistic interaction

17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur, Switzerland, June 2021)
Oriented to, but not penalised, rule violations: Video analysis of substitutions in beach rugby


Matvienko, R. (2018). Television match official review in rugby union: the sequence of referee’s actions. Sociology of Power, 30(2), 101–120.
